These are the banana trees next to my apartment.
Reminds me of where I am every time I walk out of the door.
Having dinner with some friends at a Japanese restaurant in Taipei. There was a mister Donut across the street that I had to take a photograph of.
These are the photo's of our trip to Motion Picture Cultural Village!
I told you I'd become emperor of China one day~
Rainstorms here can get really heavy sometimes...
Taipei subway. You're supposed to wait behind the white line on the platform. Yes, I'm hanging over the rails for more than half a meter in order to take this photo.
Someone of the local staff tried to fine me, but I can't speak Chinese, and he couldn't speak English, so he gave up. '(^_^)'
We visited Chiang Kai-Shek Shilin Residence, but didn't make a lot of pictures.
And Yixuan was sooo tired at the end of the day.
你的古装的照片很漂亮,可是你居然穿着那种鞋子,给人有一种不伦不类的感觉哦,呵呵,,,but you have good body,,这套衣服很适合你咯,,,以前只是我一点点小小感受哦,,,,还有,你的微笑很漂亮,,呵呵。。祝你在中国玩得快乐。
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